Package 'yaps'

Title: Track Estimation using YAPS (Yet Another Positioning Solver)
Description: Estimate tracks of animals tagged with acoustic transmitters. 'yaps' was introduced in 2017 as a transparent open-source tool to estimate positions of fish (and other aquatic animals) tagged with acoustic transmitters. Based on registrations of acoustic transmitters on hydrophones positioned in a fixed array, 'yaps' enables users to synchronize the collected data (i.e. correcting for drift in the internal clocks of the hydrophones/receivers) and subsequently to estimate tracks of the tagged animals. The paper introducing 'yaps' is available in open access at Baktoft, Gjelland, Økland & Thygesen (2017) <doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14278-z>. Also check out our cookbook with a completely worked through example at Baktoft, Gjelland, Økland, Rehage, Rodemann, Corujo, Viadero & Thygesen (2019) <DOI:10.1101/2019.12.16.877688>. Additional tutorials will eventually make their way onto the project website at <>.
Authors: Henrik Baktoft [cre, aut] , Karl Gjelland [aut] , Uffe H. Thygesen [aut] , Finn Økland [aut]
Maintainer: Henrik Baktoft <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.2.5
Built: 2025-03-04 06:35:22 UTC

Help Index

Align synced data with known burst sequence


Identifies where in the sequence of known burst intervals the detected data is from. Add extra columns to data.table containing ping index of the burst sequence (seq_ping_idx) and expected time of ping (seq_epo). Only to be used for 'random' burst interval data when you know the burst sequence.


  seq_lng_min = 10,
  plot_diag = TRUE



data.table obtained using applySync() on a detections_table


Vector containing known burst sequence


Minimum length of sequence of consecutive pings to use for the alignment. Finds first occurence of sequence of this length in the data and compare to the known burst sequence

rbi_min, rbi_max

Minimum and maximum burst interval of the transmitter. Used to identify sequence of consecutive pings in the data


Logical indicating if visual diagnosis plots should be created.


data.table like the input synced_dat, but with extra columns seq_ping_idx and seq_epo


# Align data from a tag with known random burst interval to the burst interval sequence
# using the hald data included in `yapsdata` (see ?yapsdata::hald for info).
synced_dat_1315 <- dat_align$synced_dat_1315
seq_1315 <- dat_align$seq_1315
rbi_min <- 60
rbi_max <- 120
aligned_dat <- alignBurstSeq(synced_dat=synced_dat_1315, burst_seq=seq_1315, 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, plot_diag=TRUE)

Apply sync model to toa matrix to obtain synced data


Apply sync model to toa matrix to obtain synced data


applySync(toa, hydros = "", sync_model)



Object containing data to be synchronized. Typically a data.table as e.g. ssu1$detections, but can also be a matrix dim=(n_ping, n_hydo).


data.table formatted as ssu1$hydros


Synchronization model obtained using getSyncModel()


A data.table with the now synchronized time-of-arrivals in column eposync.



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)

inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Check consistency of inp object obtained from getInp()


Check consistency of inp object obtained from getInp()





Object obtained using getInp()


No return value, but prints errors/warnings if issues with inp is detected.



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)
inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Check consistency of inp_sync object obtained from getInpSync()


Check consistency of inp_sync object obtained from getInpSync()


checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check)



Object obtained using getInpSync()


Logical whether to get output from checkInpSync(). Default is FALSE


No return value, but prints errors/warnings if issues with inp_sync is detected.



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)
inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Example data for showcasing yaps function alignBurstSeq()


Function alignBurstSeq() is used to align synced detection data with a sequence of known random burst intervals (BI).
This step is needed to take advantage of the extra information available when working with random BI data with a known sequence.
This small sample is obtained from the accompanying data package yapsdata.




A list containing 2 items:


data.table containing synced detections of tag 1315.


vector of small part of the complete sequence of known random BIs.

Fine-tune an already fitted sync_model Wrapper function to re-run getSyncModel() using the same data, but excluding outliers. Note dimensions of data might change if eps_threshold results in empty rows in the TOA-matrix.


Fine-tune an already fitted sync_model Wrapper function to re-run getSyncModel() using the same data, but excluding outliers. Note dimensions of data might change if eps_threshold results in empty rows in the TOA-matrix.


fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold, silent = TRUE)



sync_model obtained using getSyncModel()


Maximum value of residual measured in meter assuming speed of sound = 1450 m/s


logical whether to make getSyncModel() silent


Fine tuned sync_model. See ?getSyncModel for more info.



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)

inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Get a standard bounding box to impose spatial constraints


Standard is a rectangle based on coordinates of outer hydros +- the buffer in meters


getBbox(hydros, buffer = 100, eps = 0.001, pen = 1e+06)



Dataframe from simHydros() or Dataframe with columns hx and hy containing positions of the receivers. Translate the coordinates to get the grid centre close to (0;0).


Number of meters the spatial domain extends beyound the outer hydros.


Specifies how well-defined the borders are (eps=1E-2 is very sharp, eps=100 is very soft).


Specifies the penalty multiplier.


Vector of lenght 6: c(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, eps, pen). Limits are given in UTM coordinates.


hydros <- ssu1$hydros
colnames(hydros) <- c('serial','hx','hy','hz','sync_tag','idx')
bbox <- getBbox(hydros)
plotBbox(hydros, bbox)

Get prepared inp-object for use in TMB-call


Wrapper-function to compile a list of input needed to run TMB


  sdInits = 1,
  rbi_min = 0,
  rbi_max = 0,
  ss_data_what = "est",
  ss_data = 0,
  biTable = NULL,
  z_vec = NULL,
  bbox = NULL



Dataframe from simHydros() or Dataframe with columns hx and hy containing positions of the receivers. Translate the coordinates to get the grid centre close to (0;0).


TOA-matrix: matrix with receivers in rows and detections in columns. Make sure that the receivers are in the same order as in hydros, and that the matrix is very regular: one ping per column (inlude empty columns if a ping is not detected).


Which distribution to use in the model - "Gaus" = Gaussian, "Mixture" = mixture of Gaussian and t or "t" = pure t-distribution


Number of soundspeed estimates: one estimate per hour is usually enough


Type of transmitter to simulate - either stable burst interval ('sbi'), random burst interval ('rbi') or random burst interval but where the random sequence is known a priori


If >0 initial values will be randomized around the normally fixed value using rnorm(length(inits), mean=inits, sd=sdInits)

rbi_min, rbi_max

Minimum and maximum BI for random burst interval transmitters


What speed of sound (ss) data to be used. Default ss_data_what='est': ss is estimated by the model. Alternatively, if ss_data_what='data': ss_data must be provided and length(ss_data) == ncol(toa)


Vector of ss-data to be used if ss_data_what = 'est'. Otherwise ss_data <- 0 (default)


Table of known burst intervals. Only used when pingType == "pbi". Default=NULL


Vector of known depth values (positive real). Default=NULL is which case no 3D is assumed. If z_vec = "est" depth will be estimated.


Spatial constraints in the form of a bounding box. See ?getBbox for details.


List of input data ready for use in runYaps()



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)

bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)
inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Get object inp for synchronization


Get object inp for synchronization


  keep_rate = 1,
  excl_self_detect = TRUE,
  lin_corr_coeffs = NA,
  ss_data_what = "est",
  ss_data = c(0),
  silent_check = FALSE



List containing data.tables with hydrophone information and detections. See e.g. ?ssu1 for example


Sets the upper threshold for differences in TOA of sync tags. Best parameter value depends on burst rate of sync tags and how far apart the internal clocks of the hydros are prior to synchronization. A bit less than half of minimum sync tag burst rate is a good starting choice.


Sets the lower threshold of how many hydrophones need to detect each sync tag ping in order to be included in the sync process. Should be as high as possible while observing that all hydrosphones are contributing. If too low, isolated hydrophones risk falling out completely. Future versions will work towards automising this.


Index of the hydrophone to use as time keeper. Could e.g. be the one with smallest overall clock-drift.


Vector of hydro idx's for all hydrophones where the position is assumed to be known with adequate accuracy and precission. Include as many as possible as fixed hydros to reduce overall computation time and reduce overall variability. As a bare minimum two hydros need to be fixed, but we strongly advice to use more than two.


Specifies the number of hydrophone specific quadratic polynomials to use per day. For PPM based systems, 1 or 2 is often adeqaute.


Specifies number of speed of sound to estimate per day if no ss data is supplied. It is recommended to use logged water temperature instead. However, estimating SS gives an extra option for sanity-checking the final sync-model.


Syncing large data sets can take a really long time. However, there is typically an excess number of sync tag detections and a sub-sample is typically enough for good synchronization. This parameter EITHER specifies a proportion (0-1) of data to keep when sub-sampling OR (if keep_rate > 10) number of pings (approximate) to keep in each hydro X offset_idx combination if enough exists.


Logical whether to excluded detections of sync tags on the hydros they are co-located with. Sometimes self detections can introduce excessive residuals in the sync model in which case they should be excluded.


Matrix of coefficients used for pre-sync linear correction. ⁠dim(lin_corr_coeffs)=(#hydros, 2)⁠.


Indicates whether to estimate ("est") speed of sound or to use data based on logged water temperature ("data").


data.table containing timestamp and speed of sound for the entire period to by synchronised. Must contain columns 'ts' (POSIXct timestamp) and 'ss' speed of sound in m/s (typical values range 1400 - 1550).


Logical whether to get output from checkInpSync(). Default is FALSE


List of input data ready for use in getSyncModel()



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)

inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Quick overview to check if all hydros have enough data within each offset period.


Quick overview to check if all hydros have enough data within each offset period.


getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot = FALSE)



Object obtained using getInpSync()


Logical indicating whether to plot a visual or not.


A data.table containing number of pings included in each hydro x offset combination.



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)
inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Get sync model from inp_sync object obtained by getInpSync()


Get sync model from inp_sync object obtained by getInpSync()


  silent = TRUE,
  fine_tune = FALSE,
  max_iter = 100,
  tmb_smartsearch = TRUE



Input data prepared for the sync model using getInpSync()


Keep TMB quiet


Logical. Whether to re-run the sync model excluding residual outliers. Deprecated use fineTuneSyncModel() instead.


Max number of iterations to run TMB. Default=100 seems to work in most cases.


Logical whether to use the TMB smartsearch in the inner optimizer (see ?TMB::MakeADFun for info). Default and original implementation is TRUE. However, there seems to be an issue with some versions of Matrix that requires tmb_smartsearch=FALSE.


List containing relevant data constituting the sync_model ready for use in fineTuneSyncModel() if needed or in applySync()



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)
inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Build TOA matrix from synced data.table - also do some pre-filtering of severe MP, pruning loose ends etc


Build TOA matrix from synced data.table - also do some pre-filtering of severe MP, pruning loose ends etc


getToaYaps(synced_dat, hydros, rbi_min, rbi_max, pingType = NULL)



data.table containing synchronized data formatted as output from/or obtained using applySync()


Dataframe from simHydros() or Dataframe with columns hx and hy containing positions of the receivers. Translate the coordinates to get the grid centre close to (0;0).


Minimum and maximum BI for random burst interval transmitters


Minimum and maximum BI for random burst interval transmitters


Type of transmitter to simulate - either stable burst interval ('sbi'), random burst interval ('rbi') or random burst interval but where the random sequence is known a priori


Matrix of time-of-arrivals. One coloumn per hydro, one row per ping.



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)
inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Graphical representation of spatial constraints


Graphical representation of spatial constraints


plotBbox(hydros, bbox)



Dataframe from simHydros() or Dataframe with columns hx and hy containing positions of the receivers. Translate the coordinates to get the grid centre close to (0;0).


Spatial constraints in the form of a bounding box. See ?getBbox for details.


No return value, called to plot graphic.


hydros <- ssu1$hydros
colnames(hydros) <- c('serial','hx','hy','hz','sync_tag','idx')
bbox <- getBbox(hydros)
plotBbox(hydros, bbox)

Plot to check how well the sync model is working


Delta values indicate absolute difference between true and estimated distances based on pairwise relative distances to sync_tag. For instance, a ping from sync_tag t colocated with hydro Ht is detected by hydros H1 and H2. The pairwise relative distance to sync tag is then delta = abs((true_dist(Ht, H1) - true_dist(Ht, H2)) - (est_dist(Ht, H1) - est_dist(Ht, H2)))


plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "")



Synchronization model obtained using getSyncModel()


What to facet/group the plot by? Currently supports one of 'sync_bin_sync', 'sync_bin_hydro', 'sync_bin_sync_smooth', 'sync_bin_hydro_smooth', 'hydro', 'sync_tag'


No return value, called to plot graphics.


sync_model <- ssu1$sync_model


plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_bin_sync")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_bin_hydro")

Plot hydrophone positions. Especially useful if some hydro re-positioned as part of the sync model.


Plot hydrophone positions. Especially useful if some hydro re-positioned as part of the sync model.





Synchronization model obtained using getSyncModel()


No return value, called to plot graphics.


sync_model <- ssu1$sync_model


plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_bin_sync")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_bin_hydro")

Plot residuals of sync_model to enable check of model


Plot residuals of sync_model to enable check of model


plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")



Synchronization model obtained using getSyncModel()


What to facet/group the plot by? Currently supports one of 'overall', 'sync_tag', 'hydro', 'quantiles', 'temporal', 'temporal_hydro', 'temporal_sync_tag'


No return value, called to plot graphics.


sync_model <- ssu1$sync_model


plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_bin_sync")
plotSyncModelCheck(sync_model, by = "sync_bin_hydro")

Basic plots of yaps output


Basic plots of yaps output


plotYaps(yaps_out, type = "map", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = NULL)



Output from succesful run of runYaps()


Plot type. type="map" prodces a basic map of estimated track and hydrophones; type="coord_X", type="coord_Y" produces plots of X and Y coordinated including +- 1 standard error.

xlim, ylim

Optional vectors of length 2 to set xlim and/or ylim.


Title of plot - optional.


No return value, called to plot graphics.


plotYaps(ssu1$yaps_out, type="map")
plotYaps(ssu1$yaps_out, type="coord_X")
plotYaps(ssu1$yaps_out, type="coord_Y")

Experimental! Prepare detections data.table from raw data - csv-files exported from vendor software


Experimental! Prepare detections data.table from raw data - csv-files exported from vendor software


prepDetections(raw_dat, type)



Data file from vendor supplied software


Type of the vendor file. Currently only 'vemco_vue' is supported.


data.table containing detections extracted from manufacturer data file.


## Not run: 
prepped_detections <- prepDetections("path-to-raw-data-file", type="vemco_vue")

## End(Not run)

Function to run TMB to estimate track


Function to run TMB to estimate track


  maxIter = 1000,
  getPlsd = TRUE,
  getRep = TRUE,
  silent = TRUE,
  opt_fun = "nlminb",
  opt_controls = list(),
  tmb_smartsearch = TRUE

  maxIter = 1000,
  getPlsd = TRUE,
  getRep = TRUE,
  silent = TRUE,
  opt_fun = "nlminb",
  opt_controls = list(),
  tmb_smartsearch = TRUE



inp-object obtained from getInp()


Sets inner.control(maxit) of the TMB-call. Increase if model is not converging.

getPlsd, getRep

Whether or not to get sd estimates (plsd=TRUE) and reported values (getRep=TRUE).


Logical whether to keep the optimization quiet.


Which optimization function to use. Default is opt_fun = 'nlminb' - alternative is opt_fun = 'nloptr' (experimental!). If using nloptr, opt_controls must be specified.


List of controls passed to optimization function. For instances, tolerances such as x.tol=1E-8.
If opt_fun = 'nloptr', opt_controls must be a list formatted appropriately. For instance:
opt_controls <- list( algorithm="NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG", xtol_abs=1e-12, maxeval=2E+4, print_level = 1, local_opts= list(algorithm="NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG_EQ", xtol_rel=1e-4) ).
See ?nloptr and the NLopt site for more info. Some algorithms in nloptr require bounded parameters - this is not currently implemented.


Logical whether to use the TMB smartsearch in the inner optimizer (see ?TMB::MakeADFun for info). Default and original implementation is TRUE. However, there seems to be an issue with recent versions of Matrix that requires tmb_smartsearch=FALSE.


List containing results of fitting yaps to the data.


List containing all parameter estimates.


List containing standard errors of parameter estimates.


List containing mu_toa.


Numeric obj value of the fitted model obtained using obj$fn().


List containing the inp object used in runYaps(). See ?getInp for further info.


Integer convergence status.


Text version of convergence status.


A data.table containing the estimated track including time-of-ping (top), standard errors and number of hydros detecting each ping (nobs).



# # # Example using the ssu1 data included in package. See ?ssu1 for info.
# # # Set parameters to use in the sync model - these will differ per study
max_epo_diff <- 120
min_hydros <- 2
time_keeper_idx <- 5
fixed_hydros_idx <- c(2:3, 6, 8, 11, 13:17)
n_offset_day <- 2
n_ss_day <- 2
keep_rate <- 20

# # # Get input data ready for getSyncModel()
inp_sync <- getInpSync(sync_dat=ssu1, max_epo_diff, min_hydros, time_keeper_idx, 
    fixed_hydros_idx, n_offset_day, n_ss_day, keep_rate=keep_rate, silent_check=TRUE)

# # # Check that inp_sync is ok
checkInpSync(inp_sync, silent_check=FALSE)

# # # Also take a look at coverage of the sync data
getSyncCoverage(inp_sync, plot=TRUE)

# # # Fit the sync model
sync_model <- getSyncModel(inp_sync, silent=TRUE, max_iter=200, tmb_smartsearch = TRUE)

# # # On some systems it might work better, if we disbale the smartsearch feature in TMB
# # # To do so, set tmb_smartsearch = FALSE in getSyncModel()

# # # Visualize the resulting sync model
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "overall")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "quantiles")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "sync_tag")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_hydro")
plotSyncModelResids(sync_model, by = "temporal_sync_tag")

# # # If the above plots show outliers, sync_model can be fine tuned by excluding these.
# # # Use fineTuneSyncModel() for this.
# # # This should typically be done sequentially using eps_thresholds of e.g. 1E4, 1E3, 1E2, 1E2
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E3, silent=TRUE)
sync_model <- fineTuneSyncModel(sync_model, eps_threshold=1E2, silent=TRUE)

# # # Apply the sync_model to detections data.
detections_synced <- applySync(toa=ssu1$detections, hydros=ssu1$hydros, sync_model)

# # # Prepare data for running yaps
hydros_yaps <- data.table::data.table(sync_model$pl$TRUE_H)
colnames(hydros_yaps) <- c('hx','hy','hz')
focal_tag <- 15266
rbi_min <- 20
rbi_max <- 40
synced_dat <- detections_synced[tag == focal_tag]
toa <- getToaYaps(synced_dat=synced_dat, hydros=hydros_yaps, pingType='rbi', 
	rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)
bbox <- getBbox(hydros_yaps, buffer=50, pen=1e6)
inp <- getInp(hydros_yaps, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=5, pingType="rbi", 
	sdInits=1, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what="est", ss_data=0, bbox=bbox)

# # # Check that inp is ok

# # # Run yaps on the prepared data to estimate track
yaps_out <- runYaps(inp, silent=TRUE, tmb_smartsearch=TRUE, maxIter=5000) 

# # # Plot the results and compare to "the truth" obtained using gps

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
plot(hy~hx, data=hydros_yaps, asp=1, xlab="UTM X", ylab="UTM Y", pch=20, col="green")
lines(utm_y~utm_x, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", lwd=2)
lines(y~x, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")

plot(utm_x~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(x-2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(x+2*x_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(utm_y~ts, data=ssu1$gps, col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)
points(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red")
lines(y-2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)
lines(y+2*y_sd~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="red", lty=2)

plot(nobs~top, data=yaps_out$track, type="p", main="#detecting hydros per ping")
lines(caTools::runmean(nobs, k=10)~top, data=yaps_out$track, col="orange", lwd=2)

Sim hydrophone array configuration


Sim hydrophone array configuration


simHydros(auto = TRUE, trueTrack = NULL)



If TRUE, attempts to find a decent array configuration to cover the simulated true track.


Track obtained from simTrueTrack().


data.frame containing X and Y for hydros


# Simulate true track of animal movement of n seconds
trueTrack <- simTrueTrack(model='crw', n = 1000, deltaTime=1, shape=1, 
	scale=0.5, addDielPattern=TRUE, ss='rw')

# Simulate telemetry observations from true track.
# Format and parameters depend on type of transmitter burst interval (BI).
pingType <- 'sbi'

if(pingType == 'sbi') { # stable BI
    sbi_mean <- 30; sbi_sd <- 1e-4;
    teleTrack <- simTelemetryTrack(trueTrack, pingType=pingType, sbi_mean=sbi_mean, sbi_sd=sbi_sd)
} else if(pingType == 'rbi'){ # random BI
    pingType <- 'rbi'; rbi_min <- 20; rbi_max <- 40;
    teleTrack <- simTelemetryTrack(trueTrack, pingType=pingType, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)

# Simulate hydrophone array
hydros <- simHydros(auto=TRUE, trueTrack=trueTrack)
toa_list <- simToa(teleTrack, hydros, pingType, sigmaToa=1e-4, pNA=0.25, pMP=0.01)
toa <- toa_list$toa

# Specify whether to use ss_data from measured water temperature (ss_data_what <- 'data') or 
#	to estimate ss in the model (ss_data_what <- 'est')
ss_data_what <- 'data'
if(ss_data_what == 'data') {ss_data <- teleTrack$ss} else {ss_data <- 0}

if(pingType == 'sbi'){
    inp <- getInp(hydros, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=10, pingType=pingType, sdInits=0, 
		ss_data_what=ss_data_what, ss_data=ss_data)
} else if(pingType == 'rbi'){
    inp <- getInp(hydros, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=10, pingType=pingType, sdInits=0, 
		rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what=ss_data_what, ss_data=ss_data)

pl <- c()
maxIter <- ifelse(pingType=="sbi", 500, 5000)
outTmb <- runYaps(inp, maxIter=maxIter, getPlsd=TRUE, getRep=TRUE)

# Estimates in pl
pl <- outTmb$pl
# Correcting for hydrophone centering
pl$X <- outTmb$pl$X + inp$inp_params$Hx0
pl$Y <- outTmb$pl$Y + inp$inp_params$Hy0

# Error estimates in plsd
plsd <- outTmb$plsd

# plot the resulting estimated track
plot(y~x, data=trueTrack, type="l", xlim=range(hydros$hx), ylim=range(hydros$hy), asp=1)
lines(y~x, data=teleTrack)
points(hy~hx, data=hydros, col="green", pch=20, cex=3)
lines(pl$Y~pl$X, col="red")

Simulate telemetry track based on known true track obtained using simTrueTrack


Based on a known true track obtained using simTrueTrack, this function will give true positions at time-of-pings, which are also in the output. TOPs are determined by user-specified transmitter type. Number of pings are determined automatically based on track length and transmitter specifications.


  sbi_mean = NULL,
  sbi_sd = NULL,
  rbi_min = NULL,
  rbi_max = NULL



Know track obtained using simTrueTrack


Type of transmitter to simulate - either stable burst interval ('sbi'), random burst interval ('rbi') or random burst interval but where the random sequence is known a priori

sbi_mean, sbi_sd

Mean and SD of burst interval when pingType = 'sbi'


Minimum and maximum BI for random burst interval transmitters


Minimum and maximum BI for random burst interval transmitters


data.frame containing time of ping and true positions


# Simulate true track of animal movement of n seconds
trueTrack <- simTrueTrack(model='crw', n = 1000, deltaTime=1, shape=1, 
	scale=0.5, addDielPattern=TRUE, ss='rw')

# Simulate telemetry observations from true track.
# Format and parameters depend on type of transmitter burst interval (BI).
pingType <- 'sbi'

if(pingType == 'sbi') { # stable BI
    sbi_mean <- 30; sbi_sd <- 1e-4;
    teleTrack <- simTelemetryTrack(trueTrack, pingType=pingType, sbi_mean=sbi_mean, sbi_sd=sbi_sd)
} else if(pingType == 'rbi'){ # random BI
    pingType <- 'rbi'; rbi_min <- 20; rbi_max <- 40;
    teleTrack <- simTelemetryTrack(trueTrack, pingType=pingType, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)

# Simulate hydrophone array
hydros <- simHydros(auto=TRUE, trueTrack=trueTrack)
toa_list <- simToa(teleTrack, hydros, pingType, sigmaToa=1e-4, pNA=0.25, pMP=0.01)
toa <- toa_list$toa

# Specify whether to use ss_data from measured water temperature (ss_data_what <- 'data') or 
#	to estimate ss in the model (ss_data_what <- 'est')
ss_data_what <- 'data'
if(ss_data_what == 'data') {ss_data <- teleTrack$ss} else {ss_data <- 0}

if(pingType == 'sbi'){
    inp <- getInp(hydros, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=10, pingType=pingType, sdInits=0, 
		ss_data_what=ss_data_what, ss_data=ss_data)
} else if(pingType == 'rbi'){
    inp <- getInp(hydros, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=10, pingType=pingType, sdInits=0, 
		rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what=ss_data_what, ss_data=ss_data)

pl <- c()
maxIter <- ifelse(pingType=="sbi", 500, 5000)
outTmb <- runYaps(inp, maxIter=maxIter, getPlsd=TRUE, getRep=TRUE)

# Estimates in pl
pl <- outTmb$pl
# Correcting for hydrophone centering
pl$X <- outTmb$pl$X + inp$inp_params$Hx0
pl$Y <- outTmb$pl$Y + inp$inp_params$Hy0

# Error estimates in plsd
plsd <- outTmb$plsd

# plot the resulting estimated track
plot(y~x, data=trueTrack, type="l", xlim=range(hydros$hx), ylim=range(hydros$hy), asp=1)
lines(y~x, data=teleTrack)
points(hy~hx, data=hydros, col="green", pch=20, cex=3)
lines(pl$Y~pl$X, col="red")

Sim TOA matrix for the supplied telemetryTrack


Provides the TOA matrix for the specified telemetryTrack. Probability of NA (pNA) and observation noise (sigmaToa) can be specified.


simToa(telemetryTrack, hydros, pingType, sigmaToa, pNA, pMP, tempRes = NA)



Dataframe obtained from simTelemetryTrack


Dataframe obtained from getHydros


Type of transmitter to simulate - either stable burst interval ('sbi'), random burst interval ('rbi') or random burst interval but where the random sequence is known a priori


Detection uncertainty


Probability of missing detection 0-1


Probability of multipath propagated signal 0-1


Temporal resolution of the hydrophone. PPM systems are typially 1/1000 sec. Other systems are as high as 1/19200 sec.


List containing TOA matrix (toa) and matrix indicating, which obs are multipath (mp_mat)


# Simulate true track of animal movement of n seconds
trueTrack <- simTrueTrack(model='crw', n = 1000, deltaTime=1, shape=1, 
	scale=0.5, addDielPattern=TRUE, ss='rw')

# Simulate telemetry observations from true track.
# Format and parameters depend on type of transmitter burst interval (BI).
pingType <- 'sbi'

if(pingType == 'sbi') { # stable BI
    sbi_mean <- 30; sbi_sd <- 1e-4;
    teleTrack <- simTelemetryTrack(trueTrack, pingType=pingType, sbi_mean=sbi_mean, sbi_sd=sbi_sd)
} else if(pingType == 'rbi'){ # random BI
    pingType <- 'rbi'; rbi_min <- 20; rbi_max <- 40;
    teleTrack <- simTelemetryTrack(trueTrack, pingType=pingType, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)

# Simulate hydrophone array
hydros <- simHydros(auto=TRUE, trueTrack=trueTrack)
toa_list <- simToa(teleTrack, hydros, pingType, sigmaToa=1e-4, pNA=0.25, pMP=0.01)
toa <- toa_list$toa

# Specify whether to use ss_data from measured water temperature (ss_data_what <- 'data') or 
#	to estimate ss in the model (ss_data_what <- 'est')
ss_data_what <- 'data'
if(ss_data_what == 'data') {ss_data <- teleTrack$ss} else {ss_data <- 0}

if(pingType == 'sbi'){
    inp <- getInp(hydros, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=10, pingType=pingType, sdInits=0, 
		ss_data_what=ss_data_what, ss_data=ss_data)
} else if(pingType == 'rbi'){
    inp <- getInp(hydros, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=10, pingType=pingType, sdInits=0, 
		rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what=ss_data_what, ss_data=ss_data)

pl <- c()
maxIter <- ifelse(pingType=="sbi", 500, 5000)
outTmb <- runYaps(inp, maxIter=maxIter, getPlsd=TRUE, getRep=TRUE)

# Estimates in pl
pl <- outTmb$pl
# Correcting for hydrophone centering
pl$X <- outTmb$pl$X + inp$inp_params$Hx0
pl$Y <- outTmb$pl$Y + inp$inp_params$Hy0

# Error estimates in plsd
plsd <- outTmb$plsd

# plot the resulting estimated track
plot(y~x, data=trueTrack, type="l", xlim=range(hydros$hx), ylim=range(hydros$hy), asp=1)
lines(y~x, data=teleTrack)
points(hy~hx, data=hydros, col="green", pch=20, cex=3)
lines(pl$Y~pl$X, col="red")

Simulate a known movement track for subsequent estimation using YAPS


Produces a simulated regular time-spaced track following the specified movement model. Linear movement between consecutive observations is assumed. The output contains x, y, time and sound speed at each simulated position.


  model = "rw",
  deltaTime = 1,
  D = NULL,
  shape = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  addDielPattern = TRUE,
  ss = "rw",
  start_pos = NULL



Movement model: 'rw': Two-dimension random walk (X,Y)


Number of steps in the simulated track


Number of time units (seconds) between each location


Diffusivity of the animal movement - only used if model='rw'


Shape of the Weibull distribution - only used when model='crw'.


Scale of the Weibull distribution - only used when model='crw'.


Adds a realistic(?) diel pattern to movement. Periods of both low and high movement


Simulations model for Speed of Sound - defaults to 'rw' = RW-model.


Specify the starting position of the track with c(x0, y0)


data.frame containing a simulated track


# Simulate true track of animal movement of n seconds
trueTrack <- simTrueTrack(model='crw', n = 1000, deltaTime=1, shape=1, 
	scale=0.5, addDielPattern=TRUE, ss='rw')

# Simulate telemetry observations from true track.
# Format and parameters depend on type of transmitter burst interval (BI).
pingType <- 'sbi'

if(pingType == 'sbi') { # stable BI
    sbi_mean <- 30; sbi_sd <- 1e-4;
    teleTrack <- simTelemetryTrack(trueTrack, pingType=pingType, sbi_mean=sbi_mean, sbi_sd=sbi_sd)
} else if(pingType == 'rbi'){ # random BI
    pingType <- 'rbi'; rbi_min <- 20; rbi_max <- 40;
    teleTrack <- simTelemetryTrack(trueTrack, pingType=pingType, rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max)

# Simulate hydrophone array
hydros <- simHydros(auto=TRUE, trueTrack=trueTrack)
toa_list <- simToa(teleTrack, hydros, pingType, sigmaToa=1e-4, pNA=0.25, pMP=0.01)
toa <- toa_list$toa

# Specify whether to use ss_data from measured water temperature (ss_data_what <- 'data') or 
#	to estimate ss in the model (ss_data_what <- 'est')
ss_data_what <- 'data'
if(ss_data_what == 'data') {ss_data <- teleTrack$ss} else {ss_data <- 0}

if(pingType == 'sbi'){
    inp <- getInp(hydros, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=10, pingType=pingType, sdInits=0, 
		ss_data_what=ss_data_what, ss_data=ss_data)
} else if(pingType == 'rbi'){
    inp <- getInp(hydros, toa, E_dist="Mixture", n_ss=10, pingType=pingType, sdInits=0, 
		rbi_min=rbi_min, rbi_max=rbi_max, ss_data_what=ss_data_what, ss_data=ss_data)

pl <- c()
maxIter <- ifelse(pingType=="sbi", 500, 5000)
outTmb <- runYaps(inp, maxIter=maxIter, getPlsd=TRUE, getRep=TRUE)

# Estimates in pl
pl <- outTmb$pl
# Correcting for hydrophone centering
pl$X <- outTmb$pl$X + inp$inp_params$Hx0
pl$Y <- outTmb$pl$Y + inp$inp_params$Hy0

# Error estimates in plsd
plsd <- outTmb$plsd

# plot the resulting estimated track
plot(y~x, data=trueTrack, type="l", xlim=range(hydros$hx), ylim=range(hydros$hy), asp=1)
lines(y~x, data=teleTrack)
points(hy~hx, data=hydros, col="green", pch=20, cex=3)
lines(pl$Y~pl$X, col="red")

Test data from Florida Bay


Small data set collected for positioning using acoustic telemetry and YAPS.
The data are part of a feasibility study using YAPS on Vemco PPM style data to track fish in shallow parts of Florida Bay. Data were collected using VR2 (Vemco) hydrophones.
Included in yaps with permission from J.S. Rehage, FIU Florida International University.




A list containing 3 data.tables:

  • serial Hydrophone serial number.

  • x,y,z Position of hydrophones in UTM.

  • sync_tag ID of co-located sync tag. Must be identical to entries in data.table detections$tag.

  • idx Unique values from 1:nrow(hydros).

  • ts Timestamp of detection in POSIXct().

  • tag ID of detected tag.

  • epo Timestamp as number of seconds since Unix epoch. Can be obtained using as.numeric(ts).

  • frac Sub-second part of detection timestamp in fractions of second (0-1).

  • serial Serial number of detecting hydrophone. Must match entry in data.table hydros.

  • ts Timestamp of gps position in POSIXct().

  • utm_x, utm_y Coordinates of position. Same projection and coordinate system as used in hydros.

Calculate speed of sound from water temperature, salinity and depth Based on H. Medwin (1975) Speed of sound in water: A simple equation for realistic parameters. (


Calculate speed of sound from water temperature, salinity and depth Based on H. Medwin (1975) Speed of sound in water: A simple equation for realistic parameters. (


tempToSs(temp, sal, depth = 5)



Water temperature in degrees Celcius


Water slinity in parts per thousand (promille)


Depth in meters - default = 5 m - can typically be ignored


Vector of estimated speed of sound in water.


water_temp <- rnorm(100, 20, 2)
ss <- tempToSs(temp=water_temp, sal=0, depth=5)

Test YAPS core functionality


Run testYaps() to check that the core functions of YAPS is working correctly. Output should be a random simulated (black) and estimated (red) track.


  silent = TRUE,
  pingType = "sbi",
  est_ss = TRUE,
  opt_fun = "nlminb",
  opt_controls = list(),
  return_yaps = FALSE,
  tmb_smartsearch = TRUE



Logical whether to print output to the console


Type of transmitter to simulate - either stable burst interval ('sbi'), random burst interval ('rbi') or random burst interval but where the random sequence is known a priori


Logical whether to test using ss_data_what = 'est' (est_ss = TRUE) or ss_data_what = 'data' (est_ss = FALSE)


Which optimization function to use. Default is opt_fun = 'nlminb' - alternative is opt_fun = 'nloptr' (experimental!). If using nloptr, opt_controls must be specified.


List of controls passed to optimization function. For instances, tolerances such as x.tol=1E-8.
If opt_fun = 'nloptr', opt_controls must be a list formatted appropriately. For instance:
opt_controls <- list( algorithm="NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG", xtol_abs=1e-12, maxeval=2E+4, print_level = 1, local_opts= list(algorithm="NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG_EQ", xtol_rel=1e-4) ).
See ?nloptr and the NLopt site for more info. Some algorithms in nloptr require bounded parameters - this is not currently implemented.


Logical whether to return the fitted yaps model. Default=FALSE.


Logical whether to use the TMB smartsearch in the inner optimizer (see ?TMB::MakeADFun for info). Default and original implementation is TRUE. However, there seems to be an issue with recent versions of Matrix that requires tmb_smartsearch=FALSE.


If return_yaps == TRUE, the fitted yaps object. See ?runYaps for further info.


#' # To test  basic functionality of yaps using simulated data
# # # Three pingTypes are availabe: 
# # #	fixed burst interval (testYaps(pingType='sbi')), 
# # # 	random burst interval with UNKNOWN burst interval sequence('testYaps(pingType='rbi')), 
# # # 	random burst interval with KNOWN burst interval sequence (testYaps(pingType='pbi'))