--- title: "Estimate Trophic Position - Two Source Model" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Estimate Trophic Position - Two Source Model} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Our Objectives The purpose of this vignette is to learn how to estimate trophic position of a species using stable isotope data ($\delta^{13}C$ and $\delta^{15}N$). We can estimate trophic position using a two source model that is based on equations from [Post (2002)](ttps://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1890/0012-9658%282002%29083%5B0703%3AUSITET%5D2.0.CO%3B2) and [Vander Zaden and Vadeboncoeur (2002)](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1890/0012-9658%282002%29083%5B2152%3AFAIOBA%5D2.0.CO%3B2). ## Trophic Position Model The equations for a two source model consists of the following: $$ \alpha = \frac{(\delta^{13}C_c - \delta^{13}C_{b2})}{(\delta^{13}C_{b1}-\delta^{13}C_{b2})} $$ $\delta^{15}C_c$ is the isotope value of the consumer, $\delta^{15}C_{b1}$ is the mean isotope value of the first baseline, $\delta^{15}C_{b2}$ is the mean isotope value of the second baseline. For aquatic ecosystems, often $\delta^{15}C_{b1}$ is from a benthic source and $\delta^{15}C_{b2}$ is from a pelagic source. Lastly, $\alpha$ is the proportion of carbon that comes from each source and should be bound by 0 and 1. We will see later that this does not always happen which can be problematic with [Heuvel et al., (2024)](https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2024-0028) proposing a new method to correct (i.e., scale) these values. Estimates of $\alpha$ are used in the two source trophic postion equation below. $$ \text{Trophic Position} = \lambda + \frac{(\delta^{15}N_c - [(\delta^{15}N_{b1} \times \alpha) - (\delta^{15}N_{b1} \times (1 - \alpha))]}{\Delta N} $$ Where $\lambda$ is the trophic position of the baseline (e.g., `2`), $\delta^{15}N_c$ is the $\delta^{15}N$ of the consumer, $\delta^{15}N_{b1}$ is the mean $\delta^{15}N$ of the first baseline (e.g., benthic), $\delta^{15}N_{b2}$ is the mean $\delta^{15}N$ of the second baseline (e.g., pelagic), $\alpha$ is estimated above, and $\Delta N$ is the trophic enrichment factor (e.g., 3.4). There is a variation of this model that uses a mixing model to consider different trophic position for each baseline ($\lambda$). The equation replaces $\lambda$ with the following: $$ \lambda = (\lambda_1 \times \alpha) - (\lambda_2\times (1 - \alpha)) $$ Where $\lambda_1$ is the trophic level of the first baseline (e.g., 2), $\lambda_2$ is the trophic level of the second baseline (e.g., 2.5), and $\alpha$ is from above. Only use this replacement equation for $\lambda$ if you have baselines from two different trophic levels. ### Bayesian model To use these model with a Bayesian framework, we need to rearrange the equation for $\alpha$ to the following: $$ \delta^{13}C_c = \alpha \times (\delta^{13}C_{b1} - \delta^{13}C_{b2}) + \delta^{13}C_{b2} $$ Estimates of $\alpha$ are then used in the rearranged equation for trophic position below. $$ \delta^{15}N_c = \Delta N \times (\text{Trophic Position} - \lambda) + \delta^{15}N_{b1} \times \alpha + \delta^{15}N_{b2} \times (1 - \alpha) $$ The function `two_source_model()` uses both of these rearranged equation. If using baselines from two different trophic levels, you can set the argument `lambda` to `2` to replace $\lambda$ (`l1`) with the mixing model for $\lambda$ above. ## Vignette structure First we need to organize the data prior to running the model. To do this work we will use [{dplyr}](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/) and [{tidyr}](https://tidyr.tidyverse.org/) but we could also use [{data.table}](https://rdatatable.gitlab.io/data.table/). When running the model we will use [{trps}](https://benjaminhlina.github.io/trps/) and [{brms}](https://paulbuerkner.com/brms/). Once we have run the model we will use [{bayesplot}](https://mc-stan.org/bayesplot/) to assess models and then extract posterior draws using [{tidybayes}](http://mjskay.github.io/tidybayes/). Posterior distributions will be plotted using [{ggplot2}](https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/) and [{ggdist}](https://mjskay.github.io/ggdist/) with colours provided by [{viridis}](https://sjmgarnier.github.io/viridis/). ## Load packages First we load all the packages needed to carry out the analysis. ```{r setup, message=FALSE} { library(bayesplot) library(brms) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(ggdist) library(grid) library(tidybayes) library(tidyr) library(trps) library(viridis) } ``` ## Assess data In [{trps}](https://benjaminhlina.github.io/trps/) we have several data sets, they include stable isotope data ($\delta^{13}C$ and $\delta^{15}N$) for a consumer, lake trout (*Salvelinus namaycush*), a benthic baseline, amphipods, and a pelagic baseline, dreissenids, for an ecoregion in Lake Ontario. ### Consumer data We check out each data set with the first being the consumer. ```{r} consumer_iso ``` We can see that this data set contains the `common_name` of the consumer, the `ecoregion` samples were collected from, and $\delta^{13}C$ (`d13c`) and $\delta^{15}N$ (`d15n`). ### Baseline data Next we check out the benthic baseline data set. ```{r} baseline_1_iso ``` We can see that this data set contains the `common_name` of the baseline, the `ecoregion` samples were collected from, and $\delta^{13}C$ (`d13c_b1`) and $\delta^{15}N$ (`d15n_b1`). Next we check out the pelagic baseline data set. ```{r} baseline_2_iso ``` We can see that this data set contains the `common_name` of the baseline, the `ecoregion` samples were collected from, and $\delta^{13}C$ (`d13c_b2`) and $\delta^{15}N$ (`d15n_b2`). ## Organizing data Now that we understand the data we need to combine both data sets to estimate trophic position for our consumer. To do this we first need to make an `id` column in each data set, which will allow us to join them together. We first `arrange()` the data by `ecoregion` and `common_name`. Next we `group_by()` the same variables, and add `id` for each grouping using `row_number()`. Always `ungroup()` the `data.frame` after using `group_by()`. Lastly, we use `dplyr::select()` to rearrange the order of the columns. ### Consumer data Let's first add `id` to `consumer_iso` data frame. ```{r} consumer_iso_2 <- consumer_iso %>% arrange(ecoregion, common_name) %>% group_by(ecoregion, common_name) %>% mutate( id = row_number() ) %>% ungroup() %>% dplyr::select(id, common_name:d15n) ``` You will notice that I have renamed this object to `consumer_iso_2` this is because we are modifying `consumer_iso` and should make a new object. I have continued with the same renaming nomenclature for objects below. ### Baseline 1 data Next let's add `id` to `baseline_1_iso` data frame. For joining purposes we are going to drop `common_name` from this data frame. ```{r} baseline_1_iso_2 <- baseline_1_iso %>% arrange(ecoregion, common_name) %>% group_by(ecoregion, common_name) %>% mutate( id = row_number() ) %>% ungroup() %>% dplyr::select(id, ecoregion:d15n_b1) ``` ### Baseline 2 data Next let's add `id` to `baseline_2_iso` data frame. For joining purposes we are going to drop `common_name` from this data frame. ```{r} baseline_2_iso_2 <- baseline_2_iso %>% arrange(ecoregion, common_name) %>% group_by(ecoregion, common_name) %>% mutate( id = row_number() ) %>% ungroup() %>% dplyr::select(id, ecoregion:d15n_b2) ``` ### Joining isotope data Now that we have the consumer and baseline data sets in a consistent format we can join them by `"id"` and `"ecoregion"` using `left_join()` from [{dplyr}](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/). ```{r} combined_iso_ts <- consumer_iso_2 %>% left_join(baseline_1_iso_2, by = c("id", "ecoregion")) %>% left_join(baseline_2_iso_2, by = c("id", "ecoregion")) ``` We can see that we have successfully combined our consumer and baseline data. We need to do one last thing prior to analyzing the data, and that is calculate the mean $\delta^{13}C$ (`c1` and `c2`) and $\delta^{15}N$ (`n1` and `n2`) for the baselines and add in the constant $\lambda$ (`l1`) to our data frame. We do this by using `groub_by()` to group the data by our two groups, then using `mutate()` and `mean()` to calculate the mean values. Important note, to run the model successfully, columns need to be named `d13c`, `c1`, `c2`, `d15n`, `n1`, `n2`, and `l1` with `l2` needed if using two $\lambda s$. ```{r} combined_iso_ts_1 <- combined_iso_ts %>% group_by(ecoregion, common_name) %>% mutate( c1 = mean(d13c_b1, na.rm = TRUE), n1 = mean(d15n_b1, na.rm = TRUE), c2 = mean(d13c_b2, na.rm = TRUE), n2 = mean(d15n_b2, na.rm = TRUE), l1 = 2 ) %>% ungroup() ``` Let's view our combined data. ```{r} combined_iso_ts_1 ``` It is now ready to be analyzed! ## Bayesian Analysis We can now estimate trophic position for lake trout in an ecoregion of Lake Ontario. There are a few things to know about running a Bayesian analysis, I suggest reading these resources: 1. [Basics of Bayesian Statistics - Book](https://statswithr.github.io/book/) 2. [General Introduction to brms](https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v080i01) 3. [Estimating non-linear models with brms](https://paulbuerkner.com/brms/articles/brms_nonlinear.html) 4. [Nonlinear modelling using nls nlme and brms](https://www.granvillematheson.com/post/nonlinear-modelling-using-nls-nlme-and-brms/) 5. [Andrew Proctor's - Module 6](https://andrewproctor.github.io/rcourse/module6.html) 6. [van de Schoot et al., (2021)](https://www.nature.com/articles/s43586-020-00001-2) ### Priors Bayesian analyses rely on supplying uninformed or informed prior distributions for each parameter (coefficient; predictor) in the model. The default informed priors for a two source model are the following, $\alpha$ is bound by 0 and 1 and assumes an unformed beta distribution ($\alpha = 1$ and $\beta = 1$), $\Delta N$ assumes a normal distribution (`dn`; $\mu = 3.4$; $\sigma = 0.25$), trophic position assumes a uniform distribution (lower bound = 2 and upper bound = 10), $\sigma$ assumes a uniform distribution (lower bound = 0 and upper bound = 10), and if informed priors are desired for $\delta^{13}C_{b1}$ and $\delta^{13}C_{b2}$ (`c1` and `c2`; $\mu = -21$ and $-26$; $\sigma = 1$), and $\delta^{15}N_{b1}$ and $\delta^{15}N_{b2}$ (`n1` and `n2`; $\mu = 8$ and $9.5$; $\sigma = 1$), we can set the argument `bp` to `TRUE` in all `two_source_` functions. You can change these default priors using `two_source_priors_params()`, however, I would suggest becoming familiar with Bayesian analyses, your study species, and system prior to adjusting these values. ### Model convergence It is important to always run the model with at least 2 chains. If the model does not converge you can try to increase the following: 1. The amount of samples that are burned-in (discarded; in `brm()` this can be controlled by the argument `warmup`) 2. The number of iterative samples retained (in `brm()` this can be controlled by the argument `iter`). 3. The number of samples drawn (in `brm()` this is controlled by the argument `thin`). 4. The `adapt_delta` value using `control = list(adapt_delta = 0.95)`. When assessing the model we want $\hat R$ to be 1 or within 0.05 of 1, which indicates that the variance among and within chains are equal (see [{rstan} documentation on $\hat R$](https://mc-stan.org/rstan/reference/Rhat.html)), a high value for effective sample size (ESS), trace plots to look "grassy" or "caterpillar like," and posterior distributions to look relatively normal. ## Estimating trophic position We will use functions from [{trps}](https://benjaminhlina.github.io/trps/) that drop into a [{brms}](https://paulbuerkner.com/brms/) model. These functions are `two_source_model()` which provides `brm()` the formula structure needed to run a one source model. Next `brm()` needs the structure of the priors which is supplied to the `prior` argument using `two_source_priors()`. Lastly, values for these priors are supplied through the `stanvars` argument using `two_source_priors_params()`. You can adjust the mean ($\mu$), variance ($\sigma$), or upper and lower bounds (`lb` and `ub`) for each prior of the model using `two_source_priors_params()`, however, only adjust priors if you have a good grasp of Bayesian frameworks and your study system and species. ### Model Let's run the model! ```{r} m <- brm( formula = two_source_model(), prior = two_source_priors(), stanvars = two_source_priors_params(), data = combined_iso_ts_1, family = gaussian(), chains = 2, iter = 4000, warmup = 1000, cores = 4, seed = 4, control = list(adapt_delta = 0.95) ) ``` ### Model output Let's view the summary of the model. ```{r} m ``` We can see that $\hat R$ is 1 meaning that variance among and within chains are equal (see [{rstan} documentation on $\hat R$](https://mc-stan.org/rstan/reference/Rhat.html)) and that ESS is quite large. Overall, this means the model is converging and fitting accordingly. ### Trace plots Let's view trace plots and posterior distributions for the model. ```{r} plot(m) ``` We can see that the trace plots look "grassy" meaning the model is converging! ## Predictive posterior check ### $\delta^{13}C$ We can check how well the model is predicting the $\delta^{13}C$ of the consumer using `pp_check()` from `{bayesplot}`. ```{r} pp_check(m, resp = "d13c") ``` We can see that posteriors draws ($y_{rep}$; light lines) are not effectively modeling $\delta^{15}N$ of the consumer ($y$; dark line). We can correct (i.e., scale) these values using another model `two_source_model_ar()` that uses an equation in [Heuvel et al., (2024)](https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2024-0028) that corrects (i.e., scales) $\alpha$ providing better and more meaningful estimates. I will demostrate how to use this model in another vignette. ### $\delta^{15}N$ Next We can check how well the model is predicting the $\delta^{15}N$ of the consumer using `pp_check()` from `{bayesplot}`. ```{r} pp_check(m, resp = "d15n") ``` We can see that posteriors draws ($y_{rep}$; light lines) are effectively modeling $\delta^{15}N$ of the consumer ($y$; dark line). ## Posterior draws Let's again look at the summary output from the model. ```{r} m ``` We can see that $\alpha$ is estimated to be `0.05` with `l-95% CI` of `0.00` and `u-95% CI` of `0.19`. These values do not make a lot sense as this indicates the lake trout are heavily using benthic resource which we know from previous work is not true. In another vignette I'll demonstrate how to use a model that corrects or scales $\alpha$ appropriately using an equation in [Heuvel et al. (2024)](https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2024-0028). Moving down to the trophic position model we can see $\Delta N$ is estimated to be `3.38` with `l-95% CI` of `2.89`, and `u-95% CI` of `3.85`. If we move down to trophic position (`tp`) we see trophic position is estimated to be `4.57` with `l-95% CI` of `4.20`, and `u-95% CI` of `5.02`. ### Extract posterior draws We use functions from [{tidybayes}](http://mjskay.github.io/tidybayes/) to do this work. First we look at the the names of the variables we want to extract using `get_variables()`. ```{r} get_variables(m) ``` You will notice that `"b_d13c_alpha_Intercept"` and `"b_d15n_tp_Intercept"` are the names of the variable that we are wanting to extract. We extract posterior draws using `gather_draws()`, and rename `"b_d15n_tp_Intercept"` to `tp` and `"b_d13c_alpha_Intercept"` to `alpha`. ```{r} post_draws <- m %>% gather_draws(b_d13c_alpha_Intercept, b_d15n_tp_Intercept) %>% mutate( ecoregion = "Embayment", common_name = "Lake Trout", .variable = case_when( .variable %in% "b_d15n_tp_Intercept" ~ "tp", .variable %in% "b_d13c_alpha_Intercept" ~ "alpha" ) ) %>% dplyr::select(common_name, ecoregion, .chain:.value) ``` Let's view the `post_draws` ```{r} post_draws ``` We can see that this consists of seven variables: 1. `ecoregion` 2. `common_name` 3. `.chain` 4. `.iteration` (number of sample after burn-in) 5. `.draw` (number of samples from `iter`) 6. `.variable` (this will have different variables depending on what is supplied to `gather_draws()`) 7. `.value` (estimated value) ## Extracting credible intervals Considering we are likely using this information for a paper or presentation, it is nice to be able to report the median and credible intervals (e.g., equal-tailed intervals; ETI). We can extract and export these values using `gather_draws()` and `median_qi` from [{tidybayes}](http://mjskay.github.io/tidybayes/). We rename `d15n_tp_Intercept` to `tp` and `b_d13c_alpha_Intercept` to `alpha`, add the grouping columns, round all columns that are numeric to two decimal points using `mutate_if()`, and rearrange the order of the columns using `dplyr::select()`. ```{r, message=FALSE} medians_ci <- m %>% gather_draws(b_d13c_alpha_Intercept, b_d15n_tp_Intercept) %>% median_qi() %>% mutate( ecoregion = "Embayment", common_name = "Lake Trout", .variable = case_when( .variable %in% "b_d15n_tp_Intercept" ~ "tp", .variable %in% "b_d13c_alpha_Intercept" ~ "alpha" ) ) %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits = 2) ``` Let's view the output. ```{r} medians_ci ``` I like to use [{openxlsx}](https://ycphs.github.io/openxlsx/index.html) to export these values into a table that I can use for presentations and papers. For the vignette I am not going to demonstrate how to do this but please check out `{openxlsx}`. ## Plotting posterior distributions – single species or group Now that we have our posterior draws extracted we can plot them. To analyze *a single* species or group, I like using density plots. ### Density plot For this example we first plot the density for posterior draws using `geom_density()`. ```{r} ggplot(data = post_draws, aes(x = .value)) + geom_density() + facet_wrap(~ .variable, scale = "free") + theme_bw(base_size = 15) + theme( panel.grid = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank(), ) + labs( x = "P(Estimate | X)", y = "Density" ) ``` ### Point interval Next we plot it as a point interval plot using `stat_pointinterval()`. ```{r} ggplot(data = post_draws, aes(y = .value, x = common_name)) + stat_pointinterval() + facet_wrap(~ .variable, scale = "free") + theme_bw(base_size = 15) + theme( panel.grid = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank(), ) + labs( x = "P(Estimate | X)", y = "Density" ) ``` Congratulations we have estimated the trophic position for Lake Trout! Again, you will notice estimates of $\alpha$ do not really make sense which we can correct (i.e., scale) using another model `two_source_model_ar()` that uses an equation in [Heuvel et al. (2024)](https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2024-0028). You can use iterative process to produce estimates of trophic position for more than one group (e.g., comparing trophic position among species or in this case different ecoregions) using iteratstive processes that are demonstrated in [estimate trophic position - one source - multiple groups](estimate_trophic_position_one_source_multiple_groups.html).