This vignette briefly describes the workflow of a typical analysis in moveHMM, including data preparation, model specification, model fitting, and visualisation of results. As an example, we use the data set of 15 wild haggises (; Figure ) from Michelot, Langrock, and Patterson (2016). This vignette is only meant to be used as an example to learn about the functionalities of moveHMM, but please consult another source for more technical details (e.g., Michelot, Langrock, and Patterson (2016), Langrock et al. (2012), Zucchini, MacDonald, and Langrock (2016)).
The data set is included in moveHMM by default, which includes the first three tracks from the study of Michelot, Langrock, and Patterson (2016). This data set is already in the format expected by moveHMM, with columns:
: an identifier for the track/individual;
: Easting or longitude coordinate;
: Northing or latitude coordinate.
These three variables are required, and should have these names. The
other two columns, slope
and temp
, are
covariates that will be included in the analysis later.
ID x y slope temp
1 1 0.000000 0.000000 25.957002 10.344959
2 1 -1.068761 -0.194650 18.606632 8.352531
3 1 -6.152549 2.051343 16.524004 13.529650
4 1 -6.703983 3.338480 9.154917 10.951095
5 1 -6.541667 3.553843 5.547686 11.243328
6 1 -7.160298 1.960377 8.129402 13.187280
The standard HMMs used in movement ecology, and implemented in this
package, model step lengths and turning angles. The first step of the
analysis is therefore to derive those variables from the observed
locations. This can be done using the function prepData
here, we specify type = "UTM"
to indicate that the
locations are already projected (rather than longitude-latitude
ID step angle x y slope temp
1 1 1.0863417 NA 0.000000 0.000000 25.957002 10.344959
2 1 5.5578218 -0.5961622 -1.068761 -0.194650 18.606632 8.352531
3 1 1.4002860 -0.7500230 -6.152549 2.051343 16.524004 13.529650
4 1 0.2696813 -1.0506197 -6.703983 3.338480 9.154917 10.951095
5 1 1.7093394 -2.8660552 -6.541667 3.553843 5.547686 11.243328
6 1 1.1529149 2.3676683 -7.160298 1.960377 8.129402 13.187280
The output data frame has two new columns: step
lengths), and angle
(turning angle).
In moveHMM, the models are fitted using the function
. It implements maximum likelihood estimation, using
the numerical optimiser nlm
. The likelihood function
captures how plausible the data are, given a set of parameters, and
explores the space of parameter values to find the one
that maximise the likelihood. For this reason, it is necessary to choose
initial parameter values, from where nlm
can start its
exploration, and these are specified using the stepPar0
arguments in fitHMM
. The choice of
starting values can affect the performance of the optimiser, and in some
cases its ability to find the maximum likelihood estimates. Some
guidance on how to choose those values is provided in another vignette,
called “A short guide to choosing initial parameter values for the
estimation in moveHMM”. In summary, one approach is to look at the
empirical distributions of step lengths and turning angles, to make an
educated guess about what parameter values are plausible.
In the following, we consider a 2-state HMM where, in each state, a gamma distribution models step length, and a von Mises distribution models turning angle. In moveHMM, the gamma distribution is specified in terms of a mean and standard deviation, and we pick some initial values based on the histogram of observed step lengths. The von Mises distribution has a mean and a concentration parameter, and reasonable starting values can be chosen based on a histogram of observed turning angles. Please refer to the dedicated vignette for more guidance about selecting initial parameters.
hist(data$step, xlab = "step length")
hist(data$angle, breaks = seq(-pi, pi, length = 15), xlab = "turning angle")
stepPar0 <- c(1, 5, 1, 5)
anglePar0 <- c(pi, 0, 0.3, 5)
We can fit the model using fitHMM
, with arguments
(number of states), stepPar0
step length parameters), and anglePar0
(initial turning
angle parameters). By default, the function uses the gamma and von Mises
distributions, so we don’t need to specify them here, but the arguments
and angleDist
could be included to
use different distributions.
Value of the maximum log-likelihood: -3462.487
Step length parameters:
state 1 state 2
mean 0.9977756 5.009977
sd 0.4951516 3.044708
Turning angle parameters:
state 1 state 2
mean -3.109852 -0.3082705
concentration 1.035834 8.7682404
Regression coeffs for the transition probabilities:
1 -> 2 2 -> 1
intercept -1.736619 -2.002033
Transition probability matrix:
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.8502571 0.1497429
[2,] 0.1189896 0.8810104
Initial distribution:
[1] 0.06370057 0.93629943
The object returned by fitHMM
is a list that contains,
among other things, estimates of all model parameters. Those are
automatically shown in a convenient layout when the model object is
printed, but they can also be accessed as mod1$mle
Note that the parameter estimates are pooled across individuals; i.e., a common model is fitted to all tracks in the data set. This is based on the assumption that all animals follow similar movement patterns, and parameters can then be viewed as an average across individuals. In cases where this assumption doesn’t hold, one option is to include individual-specific covariates on the transition probabilities, to capture some of the inter-individual heterogeneity. (See section on covariates below.)
To understand and interpret a fitted model, it is often helpful to
visualise it. The plot
function can be called on the model
object to generate a few plots, including:
histograms of the step lengths, overlaid with estimated distributions in each state. This is helpful to check whether the fitted distributions match the data well, and to interpret each state (e.g., does state 1 capture long or short step lengths? how variable are step lengths in state 2?).
histograms of the turning angles, overlaid with estimated distributions in each state.
plots of the movement tracks, coloured by estimated state. This provides useful information about where an when animals followed each movement type, what movement patterns were captured in each state, etc.
Decoding states sequence... DONE
The first state captures short step lengths (mostly between 0 and 2 km) and undirected movement (flat distribution of turning angles), whereas the second state captures long step lengths (between 0 and 15 km) and directed movement (peak of turning angles at zero). In practice, these two states might therefore be used as proxies for two different behavioural states.
As shows in the plots above, it is possible to estimate a state for
each observation, which is often of great applied interest. The most
common way to do this is to use the Viterbi algorithm. The function
returns a sequence of states (i.e., vector of
numbers between 1 and nbStates
), and these can for example
be used to generate plots of the tracks, or of the step lengths,
coloured by the most likely state sequence.
# Add most likely state sequence to data
data$state <- factor(viterbi(mod1))
# Plot tracks coloured by state
ggplot(data, aes(x, y, col = state, group = ID)) +
geom_path() +
# Plot step lengths coloured by state
ggplot(data, aes(x = 1:nrow(data), y = step, col = state, group = ID)) +
geom_point(size = 0.3)
An alternative to the Viterbi algorithm is to compute state
probabilities, i.e., the probability of being in each state for each
observation in the data. State probabilities provide more detailed
information about the uncertainty on the state allocation, and they can
be computed with the function stateProbs
. The output is a
matrix with one column for each state and one row for each
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 9.588326e-02 9.041167e-01
[2,] 1.215803e-06 9.999988e-01
[3,] 3.145690e-01 6.854310e-01
[4,] 9.586125e-01 4.138745e-02
[5,] 1.000000e+00 1.260703e-08
[6,] 1.000000e+00 9.504981e-10
# Add prob of state 1 to data set
data$sp1 <- sp[,1]
ggplot(data, aes(x, y, col = sp1, group = ID)) +
geom_path() +
coord_equal() +
labs(col = "Pr(S = 1)")
HMMs have been extended to allow for covariate effects on the transition probabilities. This approach is often interesting to answer ecological questions of the form “does [some covariate] have an effect on the animal’s behaviour?”.
We model the haggises’ transition probabilities as functions of two
covariates: temperature, and slope. We expect a non-linear effect of
slope, so we include a quadratic term for that covariate. The model
formula can be specified using the usual R syntax, and passed through
the argument formula
in fitHMM
. The other
arguments are unchanged.
mod2 <- fitHMM(data = data, nbStates = 2,
stepPar0 = stepPar0, anglePar0 = anglePar0,
formula = ~ temp + slope + I(slope^2))
Plotting the model now also returns plots of the transition
probabilities over a grid of values of each covariate (with 95%
pointwise confidence intervals if plotCI = TRUE
). In this
example, it looks like there is no clear effect of temperature, but a
clear effect of slope. The probability of remaining in state 2 (or of
switching from state 1 to state 2) is highest when the slope is between
10 and 30 degrees, suggesting that wild haggises move faster in that
range of slopes. (See Michelot, Langrock, and
Patterson (2016) for more details about the interpretation, but
it has to do with their morphology.)
Decoding states sequence... DONE
Another useful output to interpret covariate effects is the
stationary state probabilities. These capture the probability of being
in each state over the long term, and they can be derived for a grid of
covariate values to assess how animals’ activity budget depends on a
covariate. The probabilities can be computed with
, and plotted with plotStationary
The stationary state probabilities make it even clearer that haggises
tend to spend time in state 2 when the slope is between 10 and 30, but
are likely to be in state 1 for small or large slope values.
Models can be compared using the AIC
function, for
example to decide whether or not to keep a covariate. Here, the model
with covariate is strongly preferred by AIC.
Model AIC
1 mod2 6814.784
2 mod1 6946.975
A chosen HMM formulation rests on many assumptions, including the number of states, the types of distributions used for step length and turning angle, and the dependence structure of the data-generating process. Visual inspection of the model outputs (e.g., fitted distributions) is a first step to check whether it seems to capture features in the data well. Pseudo-residuals are another tool to assess goodness-of-fit in HMMs. Similarly to residuals in linear models, they should be independent and follow a standard normal distribution if all model assumptions were satisfied. Deviations from these patterns suggest lack of fit.
Pseudo-residuals can be computed with pseudoRes
, which
returns a vector for step lengths and one for turning angles. The
function plotPR
creates three plots of the pseudo-residuals
for each data variable: a time series plot, a quantile-quantile (QQ)
plot against the standard normal distribution, and an autocorrelation
function (ACF) plot.
Computing pseudo-residuals... DONE
In the QQ plot, deviations from the diagonal line suggest that the estimated distributions do not capture the empirical distribution of the corresponding variable. Here, the points are aligned on the diagonal, indicating that the fit is good. The ACF plots can be used to detect residual autocorrelation (bars that stretch beyond the confidence band around zero). In this case, the ACF is virtually zero, suggesting that the dependence assumptions of the model are satisfied.
The function getPlotData
creates data frames in a format
that is convenient for creating custom plots of the model, including
state-dependent distributions (type = "dist"
), transition
probabilities (type = "tpm"
), and stationary state
probabilities (type = "stat"
). The option
specifies whether the data frame should be wide
(typically for base R plots) or long (typically for ggplot). With this,
we can recreate the plot of transition probabilities shown above, in
# Plot of transition probs as function of slope
plotData1 <- getPlotData(m = mod2, type = "tpm", format = "long")
ggplot(plotData1$slope, aes(slope, mle)) +
facet_wrap("prob") +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lci, ymax = uci), alpha = 0.3) +
labs(y = "transition probability")
Similarly, we can create a plot of stationary state probabilities as functions of slope.
# Plot of stationary state probs as function of slope
plotData2 <- getPlotData(m = mod2, type = "stat", format = "long")
ggplot(plotData2$slope, aes(slope, mle, col = factor(state))) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lci, ymax = uci, col = NULL,
fill = factor(state)), alpha = 0.3) +
labs(fill = "state", col = "state", y = "stationary state probabilities")
functionsThe functions predictTPM
compute the transition probabilities (or
stationary state probabilities) for a data frame of covariate values
passed as input, possibly with confidence intervals. For example, let’s
say we want to predict the transition probability matrix for temp = 0
and slope = 17.
temp slope
1 0 17
, , 1
toState1 toState2
fromState1 0.46504460 0.5349554
fromState2 0.03283051 0.9671695
, , 1
toState1 toState2
fromState1 0.27371399 0.3327530
fromState2 0.01418787 0.9258727
, , 1
toState1 toState2
fromState1 0.66724704 0.7262860
fromState2 0.07412731 0.9858121
The element mle
(“maximum likelihood estimate”) is the
estimate, and lci
and uci
are the bounds of
the confidence interval.
The argument knownStates
of fitHMM
can be
used to fix states that are known a priori. This can be useful in cases
where some observations have been classified into behaviours a priori,
and the problem of interest is to classify other points into those
states. The models are then semi-supervised, because we are giving some
information to the model about what the states should be (rather than
letting them be completely data-driven).
In practice, knownStates
should be a vector of same
length as the data, where each element is either NA (if the state is not
known at that time step), or a number between 1 and
(when the state is known).
fit = FALSE
It is sometimes useful to create a model without fitting it. For
example, we may fit a model on one data set, and then wish to use that
model to estimate the state sequence of another data set. This is
possible using the option fit = FALSE
. Specifically, we can follow these steps:
Fit a model to the first data set in the conventional way (as described previously).
Create a model for the second data set using fitHMM
with fit = FALSE
, passing the estimated parameters of the
previous model as starting values.
Use viterbi
(or stateProbs
) on the
second model.
This procedure might be helpful for data exploration, or in cases where the full data set is very large and it is only possible to fit a model to a subset.